Course title

Ag Plant and Soil


Co-requisite: Algebra 1. Enrty level Life Science class.

Course description

?This course is designed to provide the student with theories and principles of Agriculture and Plant & Soil Science through ?hands on? learning. Utilizing our greenhouse and school garden we are able expand learning beyond the traditional classroom and textbook and spend much more time learning biology concepts through experiential laboratory lessons. Students will become proficient in academic foundation standards; agriculture career standards (including CDE Agriculture and Natural Resource standards and Plant and Soil Science standards) and biology standards. Laboratory investigations/experimentation; reports and data are held to rigorous standards and follow the principles of the Scientific Method.†

Investigations/Experiments are designed to address key concepts as well as industry standards when possible so that students are more prepared for higher education and careers in Agriculture and the Plant & Soil Science industry.

School country

United States

School state


School city

El Centro

High school

SouthWest High School

School / district Address

2001 Ocotillo Dr

School zip code


Requested competency code

Lab Science

Date submitted



Approved competency code

  • LBIO
  • Biology

Approved date

Online / Virtual
