Course title

Algebra 2B


Algebra 1A, Algebra 1B, Geometry A, Geometry B, Algebra 2A

Course description

From construction to physics; the concepts in this Algebra 2B course are used in a variety of real-world situations. In this course; students use their knowledge about equations and inequalities to model real-life situations. They will expand their skills with regard to solving equations; including how to solve exponential equations with logarithms. They will also synthesize and generalize a variety of function families. Finally; students will learn how to make probability decisions; and how to use basic statistics and sampling processes to understand data sets and answer questions about samples and populations.

As students work through this course; they will complete 29 lessons that have a similar structure. Each lesson starts with a refresher of previous concepts; where they work through a few problems. Then; in the "Morning Discussion;" students chat with their peers about what they already know about a topic; or what they think a topic might be about. After that; they move on to a Research activity in which the lesson is taught by watching videos and working through an interactive text activity. They will then answer the Workbook questions. After that; students again interact with peers in the "Night Discussion;" to talk about what they are learning in the lesson. Then they complete a Checkpoint quiz or Unit Exam. Near the end of each lesson; in a Project exercise; students work with problems related to a challenge the Royal Family is dealing with. For the Project exercises; each "Chapter;" or unit; involves its own unique storyline. This course also includes a Close Reading exercise; where students will read an article about global warming; perform some research; and then write an essay on the topic. Every lesson ends with a Denouement activity; where they complete a few problems and check their understanding of the concepts in their personal journal or notebook. Lesson 30 is a review of the concepts from each unit and students take the Final Exam. At the end; students will provide their thoughts about the course. 

School country

United States

School state


School city


School / district Address

2471 N Arizona Ave

School zip code


Requested competency code


Date submitted



Approved competency code

  • MTH3
  • 4 years of Math

Approved date

Online / Virtual
