Course title

AP Environmental Science Online



Course description

AP Environmental Science: This is an introductory course for students who wish to study topics relating to the environment; its resources; quality and ethical issues. Environmental science is the study of the natural sciences in an interdisciplinary context that always includes consideration of people and how they have influenced various systems around us. It includes many aspects of biology; earth and atmospheric sciences; fundamental principles of chemistry and physics; human population dynamics; and an appreciation for the Earth and its natural resources. It will include a lecture portion and both laboratory and field study. Since this is an online course the laboratory and field-based activities will be done virtually and via experiments that students can easily perform at home with common materials. The course is intended to be the equivalent of a one-semester college ecology course; which is taught over an entire year in high school. The College Board will offer an optional Advanced Placement Exam for college environmental science credit annually in May. Labs two (2) hours each.

School country

United States

School state


School city


School / district Address

500 West Guadalupe Road

School zip code


Requested competency code

Lab Science

Date submitted



Approved competency code

  • LADV
  • Advanced science
  • LINT
  • Integrated science

Approved date

Online / Virtual
