Course title
Art of ArgumentPre-requisite
English I or Expository CompositionCourse description
Students learn the art of persuasive writing; backed by careful research; and presented in an effective manner that is free of logical fallacies. They distinguish persuasive writing from other types of compositionsand learn how to apply persuasive writing and common textual features. They apply understanding of the effects of audience and purpose on persuasive writing. Students also evaluate persuasive writing and speaking for reputability; logic; and presentation.
School country
United StatesSchool state
OregonSchool city
Lake OswegoHigh school
Christa McAuliffe Academy Arts & SciencesSchool / district Address
5200 SW Meadows Rd. Ste. 150School zip code
97035Requested competency code
EnglishDate submitted
YesApproved competency code
- 4 years of English