Course title



One credit of high school science, and Algebra I or equivalent

Course description

This comprehensive course gives students a solid basis to move on to future studies. The course provides an in-depth survey of all key areas, including atomic structure, chemical bonding and reactions, solutions, stoichiometry, thermochemistry, organic chemistry, and nuclear chemistry. The course includes direct online instruction and related assessments, used with a problem-solving book. Instructions for hands-on labs are included. K12 STRIDE lab kits contain all lab materials that cannot easily be found in the home. An Honors section of this course is available. Course Length: Two Semesters Credit: 1.0 Prerequisites: One credit of high school science and solid grasp of algebra basics, evidenced by success in Algebra I or equivalents

School country

United States

School state


High school

Texas Virtual Academy

School / district Address

Texas Virtual Academy at Hallsville 1825 Lakeway Drive, Suite 400 Lewisville, TX

School zip code


Requested competency code

Lab Science

Date submitted



Approved competency code

  • LCHM
  • Chemistry

Approved date

Online / Virtual
