Course title

Chemistry - Virtual


One unit of high school science and Algebra I

Course description

All students are required to spend 40% of their time in chemistry completing lab investigations. The way our students complete those is through Gizmos. You can find the list of chemistry Gizmos labs here:

Below is our course catalog description:

Chemistry This comprehensive course gives students a solid basis to move on to future studies. The course provides an in-depth survey of all key areas; including atomic structure; chemical bonding and reactions; solutions; stoichiometry; thermochemistry; organic chemistry; and nuclear chemistry. The course includes direct online instruction and related assessments; used with a problem-solving book. Instructions for hands-on labs are included. K12 lab kits contain all lab materials that cannot easily be found in the home. Course Length: Two semesters Credit: 1.0 Prerequisites: One unit of high school science and Algebra I.

I am also including our Texas standards for Chemistry.

School country

United States

School state


High school

Texas Online Preparatory School

School / district Address


School zip code


Requested competency code

Lab Science

Date submitted



Approved competency code

  • LCHM
  • Chemistry

Approved date

Online / Virtual
