Course title

The Dangerous Planet


Successful completion of Biology

Course description

Hurricanes; earthquakes; droughts; fires; and floods - the Earth is a dangerous place! This course focuses on the scientific fields of geology and meteorology to understand Earth?s raw power and its ability to create and destroy through natural disasters. We will investigate the resilience of humankind on our planet by investigating and proposing engineering and societal solutions that help save our species on our dangerous planet.

School country

United States

School state


School / district Address

785 Unquowa Rd

School zip code


Requested competency code

Lab Science

Date submitted



Approved competency code

  • LGEO
  • Geology

Approved date

Deferred Reason

In order to be reviewed as a laboratory science; we will need a list of physical laboratory experiments completed for this course and number of hours students spend doing laboratory assignments each week.

Online / Virtual
