Course title

Earth & Space Science



Course description

Earth and Space Science encompass processes that occur on Earth while also addressing Earth?s place within the solar system and galaxy. At the high school level; students gain an understanding of these processes through a wide scale: unimaginably large to invisibly small. Earth and Space Sciences; more than any other discipline; are rooted in other scientific disciplines. Students; through the close study of Earth and space; will find clear applications for their knowledge of gravitation; energy; magnetics; cycles; and biological processes. Additionally; students are expected to apply these concepts to real-world phenomena to gain a deeper understanding of causes; effects; and solutions for physical processes in the real world.

School country

United States

School state


School city

Fountain Hills

High school

Fountain Hills High School

School / district Address

16100 E. Palisades Blvd., Fountain Hills, AZ

School zip code


Requested competency code

Lab Science

Date submitted



Approved competency code

  • LGEO
  • Geology

Approved date

Online / Virtual
