Course title
Ecology of Marine EcosystemsPre-requisite
BiologyCourse description
Good afternoon;
We have a science course we have been offering for many years at Mesa Public Schools. The exact name of the course is not listed on the website as an approved course. However; all marine biology courses of any name I have seen are listed as life science. We would like to keep the name of the course as/is and have confirmation that this course can be listed as a life science course; not integrated.†
Thank you for any help you can provide;†
Brea Rivera
Ecology of Marine Ecosystems
This is an upper-level high school science course for students interested in having a greater understanding of the oceans and the interactions of humans in these environments. The topics focus on studying the living organisms in the ocean; how they interact with each other and how their ecosystems function. Students will conduct experiments; collaborative data collection; participate in class discussions on current events in our oceans; as well as take a culminating field trip to Catalina Island Marine Institute to apply all the knowledge gained in the classroom.
Syllabus attached. The list of labs starts on page 3.†
School country
United StatesSchool state
ArizonaSchool city
MesaSchool / district Address
63 E. Main St.School zip code
85203Requested competency code
Lab ScienceDate submitted
YesApproved competency code
- Advanced science
- Biology