Course title



AmericaN/Arizona History

Course description

Economic decisions affect us every day of our lives. Understanding economics means thinking about how scarcity; or limited resources; requires us to make choices and evaluate one option against others. In this course; students will recognize examples of economics in their daily life. They will see how the economic choices of larger groups; like businesses and governments; affect themselves and others. As students progress through the course; they will recognize that the costs and benefits of choices connect individuals and groups around the world. The purpose of this course is to help each student become a smart consumer who understands the flow of an economy between individuals; businesses; governments; and the rest of the world.

School country

United States

School state


School city


High school

Gilbert Global Academy

School / district Address

500 S McQueen Road

School zip code


Requested competency code

Social Science

Date submitted



Approved competency code

  • SSCI
  • 1 year of other Social Science

Approved date

Online / Virtual
