
Energy and Transformation I

Course description

PHYSICS PC6046 Energy and Transformation II CIP:400801 Physics; General. CL-L-U-CA-UDC: 3-0-6-3-3.5 Discipline: Sciences School: High School Academic Department: Sciences High School Programs: Prerequisites: ( PM5010) Equivalences: None. Courseintention within thegeneral study plan context: Theaimof thisadvanced naturalsciencecourseisforstudentsto study in depth some of theareas of physics; in orderto understand physical phenomenaand to providethemwith asolid basisto pursuea degreein science;engineering;architecture and industrial design.They willalso integratetheirknowledgeand command of themathematicaland technological toolsforthe scientificstudy of physicalsystems.Students need to befamiliar with algebra; trigonometry; basicmechanicsand thermaland electricalenergy.Exit competenciesstrengthened or developed in thiscourse:Students willcompleteresearch projectsfollowing theappropriatemethodology forthe differentacademicareas;apply theirknowledge;skillsand attitudesto evaluateand solve multidisciplinary problems; design innovative projects; integrating diversecontentsand technological resourcesto solveavariety of problems.Learning outcome:Students will writereports on activitiesand practicesthat combinethe use of themathematics and technology skills needed to study the principles ofmechanicsand energy. Course objective: Upon completion of thecourse;students will beableto: - Analyze diverse physical phenomenarelated to mechanicsand energy; in orderto understand theimportance of this disciplinein daily life;engineeringand architecture.- Apply thefundamental principlesand laws of physicsto analyze physical phenomena.- Usethescientificmethod to solve diverse problemsand propose solutions. Coursetopicsand subtopics: Specific learning objectives by topic: Suggested methodologiesand learningtechniques: Teachingand learningtecniques: Learning-oriented projects Estimated timing per topic: Suggested evaluation policies: Suggested Bibliography: TEXT BOOKS: *Serway; Vuille;Essential College Physics; Cengage;2006; * Giancoli; PhysicsforScientistsand Engineers: A strategicapproach; Pearson;2000; Support material: Academic credentialsrequired to teach thecourse: (400801)Bachelorin Physicsand (040201)Bachelorin Architectureand (141001)Bachelorin ElectricalEngineering/Electronicsand Communicationsand (141201)Bachelorin PhysicalEngineeringand (400801)Master Degreein Physicsand (040201)Master Degree in Architectureand (141001)Master Degreein ElectricalEngineering/Electronicsand Communicationsand (141201)Master Degree in PhysicalEngineering CIP:400801;040201;141001;141201 Recommended Experience: Experiencein education; preferably mediumor higher.Experience desirablein research; project development or professional activity related to theindustry

School country


High school

Tecnologico de Monterrey

School / district Address


School zip code


Requested competency code

Lab Science

Date submitted



Approved competency code

  • LADV
  • Advanced science
  • LPHY
  • Physics

Approved date

Online / Virtual
