Course title

Explorations in Data Science


Algebra 1 and Geometry

Course description

Data Science has been approved as a math class that can fulfill the college admissions (for Cal States and UCs) requirement; as an alterantive to Algebra 2. We are requesting that this be considered for the Arizona public universities; as an alterantive to Algebra 2.†

I have attached a detailed syllabus provided by Stanford's YouCubed team who are the creators of the course. Here is their†main website†as well as a link to a†statement†put out by the UC's showing that they are allowing this course as an alternative.†

School country

United States

School state


School city

Huntington Beach

High school

Huntington Beach High School

School / district Address

1905 Main Street

School zip code


Requested competency code


Date submitted



Approved competency code

  • MTH3
  • 4 years of Math

Approved date

Online / Virtual
