Course title

Financial Algebra and Statistics


Algebra 2

Course description

This course is designed to cover mathematics in real life. In term one, students will learn how to manage finances and process real-life scenarios of financial budgeting, investments, and taxes. In term two, students will apply probability models to statistical inference and two variable data to make predictions about outcomes of real world events. Here is what is taught: Term 1: *We may only do a few lesson in some units and skip others Unit 1 and 2: Behavioral Economics, Banking Unit 3: Investing Unit 4 and 5: Types of Credit and Managing Credit Unit 6: Paying for College Unit 7: Career Unit 8: Insurance Unit 9 and 10: Taxes and Budgeting Unit 11: Consumer Skills Term 2: Unit 1: What is Statistics? Unit 2: Probability Unit 3: Confidence Intervals Unit 4: Inference Unit 5: Bivariate Data Also: In term 1 we will be using a class on Personal Finance In term 2: we will be using Beyond Textbooks materials in class for statistics material. We will learn math standards based on ACT. Formative Assessments will be given for each standard. Formatives will be given as needed. The Formative will be given regardless of absences. If a student gets a score of 79% or lower the student will go to Reteach on Mondays and Thursdays to relearn and retake the Formative. Thursdays will be for general questions and extra help, as well. If your student is absent for the Formative, they will automatically be sent to Reteach. Attached is my own course syllabus

School country

United States

School state


School city

Fountain Hills

High school

Fountain Hills High School

School / district Address

16100 E Palisades Blvd

School zip code


Requested competency code


Date submitted



Approved competency code

  • MTHA
  • 4 years of Math

Approved date

Expected grade level


Online / Virtual
