
Health and Society

Course description

BIOLOGY PC1004 Fundamentals of LifeScience CIP:260101 Biology/BiologicalSciences; General. CL-L-U-CA-UDC: 3-0-6-3-3.5 Discipline: Sciences School: High School Academic Department: Sciences High School Programs: 1 PBB14;1 PBI14;1 PTM14;1 PTI14 Prerequisites: None. Equivalences: PC1003 Courseintention within thegeneral study plan context: Basiclevelcoursein thearea of naturalsciences. Requiresthat thestudents have basic notions of naturalscienceatan average level.Thegraduatecompetenciesthat thiscourseseeksto strengthen and develop arethat thestudents understand and appreciatethescientifictaskasan instrument of progressand innovation and to askappropriateand relevant questionsthat help you understand a phenomenon fromdifferent perspectives. Asstudentslearn; they will turn in reportsand activitiesrelated to thestructureand function of livingthingsand theirenvironment;and these willmake up part of their personal portfolio. Course objective: Upon completion of thecourse;students; usingthescientificmethod; will beableto: - Understand the origin;characteristicsand processesthat support life;consideringthecellasthestructuraland functional unit. - Analyzethecontinuity;evolution and diversity of living beings; identifyingtherelevance of theirgeneticinformation and adaptation to differentenvironments; in orderto appreciatetheimportance ofmaintaining balance within theecosystemsin theirenvironment. Coursetopicsand subtopics: Specific learning objectives by topic: Suggested methodologiesand learningtechniques: Teachingand learningtecniques: Collaborativelearning Estimated timing per topic: Suggested evaluation policies: Suggested Bibliography: TEXT BOOKS: *SylviaS.Mader... [etal.].; Inquiry into life;13th ed.; New York; NY:McGraw Hill;2011; 9780071220385 * Audesirk;Teresa. ; Gerald Audesirk; BruceE. Byers.; Biology : life on Earth;9th ed.;San Francisco; Calif. ;MÈxico : Benjamin Cummings;2011; 0321561619;0321598474;9780321561619(Professionalcopy);9780321598479(Studentedition) *Starr; Cecie. ;Christine A.Evers;LisaStarr.; Biology : todayand tomorrow with physiology;4th Ed.; Belmont; CA : Brooks/Cole; CengageLearning;2013; 1133590551(ed. internacional);9781133590552(ed. internacional) Support material: Academic credentialsrequired to teach thecourse: (260101)Bachelorin Biology/BiologicalSciencesand (260499)Bachelorin Cellular Biology/AnatomicalSciencesand (260204)Bachelorin Molecular Biologyand (260101)Master Degreein Biology/BiologicalSciencesand (260499)Master Degreein Cellular Biology/AnatomicalSciencesand (260204)Master Degreein Molecular Biologyand (260204)Doctoral Degreein Molecular Biology CIP:260101;260499;260204 Recommended Experience: Experiencein education; high school or higher. Desirableexperiencein research or project development

School country


High school

Tecnologico de Monterrey

School / district Address

11444 S. Santa Fe Ln.

School zip code


Requested competency code

Lab Science

Date submitted



Approved competency code

  • LINT
  • Integrated science

Approved date

Online / Virtual
