Course title

Honors Biotechnology 1



Course description

This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and understanding of biotechnology; as well as its uses and influence on society. The course will examine the information; the application; and the ethics of a number of technologies; which may include cellular (cloning; stem cells; antibodies); genetic (gene splicing; genomics; electrophoresis); environmental (remote sensing; biohazard remediation); and agricultural topics. It should also prepare students for pursuit of lab technician training or higher educational opportunities in this field. Independent lab work and research will be an important component of this course. As part of the classroom instruction; hands-on instruction; career-based experience; and leadership development. Students will also be provided with the opportunity to join HOSA; the career and technical student organization for Bioscience.†

School country

United States

School state


School city


School / district Address

500 West Guadalupe Road

School zip code


Requested competency code

CTE Lab Science

Date submitted



Approved competency code

  • CTE
  • Career and technical education
  • LADV
  • Advanced science
  • LBIO
  • Biology

Approved date

Online / Virtual
