Course title

Humanities 10th


English 9

Course description

The goal of this course is to experience human cultural production from its ancient beginnings through modern times. Human cultural production can be understood as an expression of ideas and thoughts that help us understand struggle; achievement; virtue; love; anger; beauty; self; war; peace and revolution. These are just some of the concepts examined through literature; art; philosophy; music; theater; and dance. The initial objective will be to build a solid conceptual foundation through the western classics that will serve as a reference point for all future explorations of art and literature. The second objective for this course is to coherently connect ideas and expressions through different mediums and geographic spaces. The approach to these objectives will require reading; writing; and discussion; along with an understanding of culture; history; geography; and literature. Furthermore; students will engage in discussion of ideas openly and frequently; using these ideas as springboards for writing.

School country

United States

School state


High school

Metropolitan Arts Institute

School / district Address

1700 N. 7th Avenue

School zip code


Requested competency code

English Social Science

Date submitted



Approved competency code

  • ENGL
  • 4 years of English
  • SSCI
  • 1 year of other Social Science

Approved date

Online / Virtual
