Course title

Humanities 12th


English 9, 10, 11; World History & Geography and US History

Course description

The 12th Grade Humanities class is designed to cover the Language Arts standards in the content of government and economics.† While studying government and economics; students will learn about the foundations of American democracy and the structure of the federal; state; and local governments. Students also learn the significant decisions that have been made by our federal courts and how those decisions affect Americans today. They continue to learn about the role of political parties in American government and the structure of the American legal system. The focus of the course shifts toward understanding key concepts in the U.S. economic system. Students learn why economic decisions are made; as well as how economic decisions are made. The end result is students will complete the course with the full knowledge of the inner workings of the American government and economic system; leading them to become productive American citizens with the education to make effective decisions concerning their own future.

School country

United States

School state


High school

Metropolitan Arts Institute

School / district Address

1700 N. 7th Avenue

School zip code


Requested competency code

English Social Science

Date submitted



Approved competency code

  • ENGL
  • 4 years of English
  • SSCI
  • 1 year of other Social Science

Approved date

Online / Virtual
