Course title

IB Music 2: Orchestra



Course description

The Diploma Programme Music course has been designed to prepare the 21st century music student for a world in which global musical cultures and industries are rapidly changing. The course is grounded in the knowledge; skills; and processes associated with the study of music and offers a strengthened approach to student creativity through practical; informed and purposeful explorations of diverse musical forms; practices; and contexts. The course also ensures a holistic approach to learning; with the roles of performer; creator; and researcher afforded equal importance in all course components. This version of the course specifically addresses those students that play orchestral instruments. (May be repeated for credit)

School country

United States

School state


School city


School / district Address

500 West Guadalupe Road

School zip code


Requested competency code

Fine Arts

Date submitted



Approved competency code

  • FIAR
  • 1 year of Fine Art

Approved date

Online / Virtual
