Course title

IB MYP Honors Spanish 3



Course description

This honors-level Spanish course is based on the required curriculum framework of the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program in preparation for IB Diploma-level Spanish classes. It “provides students with the opportunity to develop insights into the features, proceses and craft of language and the concept of culture, and to realize that there are diverse ways of living, behaving and viewing the world,” (IB MYP Language Acquisition Subject Brief, 2020). The concepts will be taught through a variety of cultural themes, authentic resources, and instructional techniques in the target language. Honors classes include a more in-depth study, application, and enrichment of the language in authentic situations. 

School country

United States

School state


High school

School / district Address

500 West Guadalupe Road

School zip code


Requested competency code

Foreign Language

Date submitted



Approved competency code

  • LNG2
  • 2nd year of Foreign Language

Approved date

Online / Virtual
