Course title

Introduction to Engineering


B or better in Geometry

Course description

Introduction to Engineering is a lab science course designed to give students a broad look into the field of engineering. The course will identify and explore the essentials of engineering; and expose students to different disciplines of engineering. The course will promote and exercise skills in critical thinking; creative problem solving; collaborative work; and communication of ideas and results. The class will introduce the fundamentals of different engineering disciplines. It will use projects to allow students to practice and better understand some of the foundational technology used by engineers. Students will work both collaboratively and independently to use these technologies to solve problems and gain an understanding of the type of work and skills engineers are required to use daily: problem solving; project management; communication; work styles; creativity; leadership; entrepreneurship; and ethics. The core units for the course include: What is Engineering; the Engineering Design Process; and specific Engineering Fields (ex. Aerospace; Civil; Electrical; Environmental; Robotics; etc.). The Intro to Engineering course is offered in grades 9th; 10th; 11th; & 12th and is the prerequisite for AP Computer Science Principles.

School country

United States

School state


School city

Solana Beach

High school

Santa Fe Christian School

School / district Address

838 Academy Drive

School zip code


Requested competency code

Lab Science

Date submitted



Approved competency code

  • CTE
  • Career and technical education

Approved date

Online / Virtual
