Course title

Mathematical Models with Applications


Algebra 1

Course description

In Mathematical Models with Applications; Semester A; you will learn to apply mathematics through experiences in personal finance; science; engineering; fine arts; and social sciences. You will use algebraic; graphical; and geometric reasoning to recognize patterns and structure; model information; solve problems; and communicate solutions. Along the way; you will select from a variety of tools including manipulatives; technology; and data collection devices. This course takes an integrated approach to mathematics as you further your skills in the disciplines of algebra; geometry; trigonometry; and probability and statistics.†

In Mathematical Models with Applications; Semester B; you will learn to apply mathematics through experiences in personal finance; science; engineering; fine arts; and social sciences. You will use algebraic; graphical; and geometric reasoning to recognize patterns and structure; model information; solve problems; and communicate solutions. Along the way; you will select from a variety of tools; including manipulatives; technology; and data-collection devices. This course takes an integrated approach to mathematics as you further your skills in the disciplines of algebra; geometry; trigonometry; and probability and statistics.

School country

United States

School state


School city


School / district Address

3437 Fortingale Drive

School zip code


Requested competency code


Date submitted



Deferred date

Deferred Reason

Personal finance courses are generally not approved toward ABOR math requirements. Please include information about the curriculums relation to algebra; geometry; trigonometry; calculus; etc.

Online / Virtual
