Course title

Media Literacy in a Digital Age


English 9, English 10 and English 11

Course description

Media Literacy is an English course for seniors. †This course uses a mix of traditional Literature and forms of modern media including but not limited to film; advertisements; and music. The course is designed to emphasize comprehension; discernment; and critical-thinking skills in the reading of Literature as well as contemporary and historical media images and how they are used to make art; sell products; motivate populations; and alter opinions. This course will introduce and explore advanced literary and rhetorical techniques; as well as specific theories associated with media which may include debates surrounding television; the internet; and other sources for media. †Multiple writing assignments with an emphasis on grammar and conventions are required in this course.† Students will analyze media content in writing throughout the course and explore more advanced literary techniques (irony; satire; humor; connotation; tone; rhythm; symbolism; and so on) through two or more literary genres; with the aim of creating sophisticated readers and writers.† This course assumes students are adequately prepared by satisfying all prerequisites: a passing grade in English 9; English 10 and English 11.

School country

United States

School state


School city

Casa Grande

School / district Address

1362 N. Casa Grande Ave. Casa Grande, AZ

School zip code


Requested competency code


Date submitted



Approved competency code

  • ENGL
  • 4 years of English

Approved date

Online / Virtual
