Course title

Mythology & Folklore



Course description

  1. Identify major concepts; theories; genres; and methodologies within the academic field of folklore.
  2. Interpret examples of major narrative folk genres such as myth; legend; and folktales.
  3. Appreciate the role of myth and folklore within the cultures that produce them with an understanding of how oral performance shapes the meaning of a story.
  4. Identify recurring mythological themes and motifs in traditional world myths and modern culture.
  5. Write clear; focused; coherent essays about literature for an academic audience using standard English conventions of grammar and style.
  6. Communicate effectively using appropriate reading; writing; listening; and speaking skills.
  7. Creatively solve problems by using relevant methods of research; personal reflection; reasoning; and evaluation of information.
  8. †Extract; interpret; evaluate; communicate; and apply quantitative information and methods to solve problems; evaluate claims; and support decisions in their academic; professional; and private lives.
  9. Use an understanding of cultural differences to constructively address issues that arise in the school and workplace and communities.
  10. †Recognize the consequences of human activity upon our social and natural world.

School country

United States

School state


School city


School / district Address

3100 S Avenue A

School zip code


Requested competency code


Date submitted



Approved competency code

  • ENGL
  • 4 years of English

Approved date

Online / Virtual
