Course title

Physics IB Higher Level I


Biology & Chemistry

Course description

IB Physics is designed to introduce students to the laws of physics; the experimental skills required in physics; and the social and†historical aspects of physics as an evolving body of human knowledge about nature. Emphasis is placed on experimental design and†analysis in order to produce a practical working model of the physical situation. Students will make extensive use of technology to†process and communicate information. Mathematical competence in algebra; geometry; and trigonometry is crucial as a prerequisite to†IB Physics. Core topics include: measurement; mechanics; thermal physics and properties of matter; waves; electricity and magnetism;†and atomic and nuclear physics. Optional topics include: mechanics extension; atomic and nuclear physics extension; energy†extension; biomedical physics; historical physics; astrophysics; special and general relativity; or optics. These courses are part of the†IB Diploma Programme.

School country

United States

School state


School city


School / district Address

140 S. Gilbert Rd.

School zip code


Requested competency code

Lab Science

Date submitted



Approved competency code

  • LADV
  • Advanced science
  • LPHY
  • Physics

Approved date

Online / Virtual
