Course title

Precalculus 1-2


pass prior grade level

Course description

Precalculus explores a wide variety of mathematical concepts with the goal of preparing students for calculus or other college-level math courses. A review of number properties; factoring; the quadratic formula; and the Cartesian coordinate system will prepare students for advanced math concepts. Students will use graphing calculators to plot graphs and solve equations. Students will learn to solve a variety of problems including parent functions; transformations; even and odd functions; domain and range; operations; linear functions; regression; correlation; quadratic functions; polynomials; asymptotes; and exponential; logistic; and logarithmic functions. Trigonometric studies include angle measurement; arc length; functions; reciprocal and quotient identities; Pythagorean identities; sines; and cosines. Sequences and series precede inquiries into the characteristics and applications of conic sections and vectors. The course concludes with an investigation into parametric equations and polar equations.†

School country

United States

School state


School city

Lake Havasu City

High school

Lake Havasu High School

School / district Address

2675 S. Palo Verde

School zip code


Requested competency code


Date submitted



Approved competency code

  • MTHA
  • 4 years of Math

Approved date

Online / Virtual
