Course title

Resource Algebra 2



Course description

Resource Algebra 2 provides students with services as outlined in their Individual Education Program (IEP). Students must meet the eligibility criteria to be placed in this class. Resource Algebra 2 uses the Algebra 2 state standards. Resource Algebra moves at an adapted pace and puts more focus on the Algebra 2?s major content standards. This course is a full year. This course is the third year of an integrated study of mathematics. Students will model and solve real-life situations dealing with such topics as probability; statistics; algebraic functions; geometry; and an introduction to trigonometry. Students will also receive specially designed instruction and accommodations in their areas of need as outlined by their Individualized Education Program (IEP).

School country

United States

School state


School city


School / district Address

1525 West Frye Road Chandler AZ

School zip code


Requested competency code


Date submitted



Approved competency code

  • MTH3
  • 4 years of Math

Approved date

Deferred Reason

In order to be reviewed as a math course; we will need more details about math assignments/topics completed for this course. Also note; generally math courses other than Algebra 1 would have a pre-requisite requirement. If course is assumed to be equivalent to any other math course other than Algebra 1; we recommend course having a pre-requisite requirement.

Online / Virtual
