Course title

SC_765 Auto Tech 1 or 2 Lab Sci



Course description

CT_661.0† AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY 1 AM CT_662.0† AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY 1 PM Length/Credit: 1 year - 3 periods - 2.0 CTE Credits; 1.0 Lab Science Credit Other info: 1.0 Lab Science credit Offered: Morning (Periods 0;1;2) Location: Bellevue - Skills Center (Available to all schools) This is a 3-period Skill Center class (3 high school credits). This STEM course provides the foundation for entry into the automotive industry as a technician; service writer/ manager; or future engineer building cars. By the end of the first year; they will complete 4 of the 8 ASE content. This is a nationally certified program through the ASE Education Foundation. Students will take the ASE certification test at the beginning and end of the course to measure growth. Students will learn in a state-of-the art automotive shop and classroom. Leadership through Skills USA Auto Club is expected. Students will work on customer; shop owned and student scheduled vehicles. Students who successfully complete Year 1 may be eligible to apply for Year 2. High School credits earned: CTE (2.0) Lab Science (1.0) Program fees may apply. Financial assistance may be available for qualifying students. NOTE: Block schedules affect actual class times daily. CT_761.0† AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY 2 AM CT_763.0† AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY 2 PM Length/Credit: 1 year - 3 periods - 2.0 CTE Credits; 1.0 Lab Science Credit Prerequisite: Automotive Technology 1 Other info: 1.0 Lab Science credit Location: Bellevue - Skills Center (Available to all schools) †This is a 3-period Skill Center class (3 high school credits). At this advanced level of STEM training; students will focus on the intricacies of automotive professionalism. Successful completion of this class requires a high level of maturity; self-motiation; and a desire to succeed. This course has a strong STEM correlation with math; science and physics along with dexterity building and meter usage. Students can earn up to 15 college credits through Pacific NW College Credit and Lab Science Equivalency credits at Bellevue High School. Leadership opportunities are provided through Skills USA Auto Club and job shadowing at local shops/dealerships. Topics studied revolve around the 8 nationally recognized Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) content areas. Students will study 4 ASE topics each year. Students will also take the ASE Certification test at the beginning and end of the course to show growth. Students will work on customer; shop owned and student scheduled vehicles. High School credits earned: CTE (2.0) Lab Science (1.0) Program fees may apply. Financial assistance may be available for qualifying students. NOTE: Block schedules affect actual class times daily.

School country

United States

School state


School city


School / district Address

12011 NE 1st Street; Bellevue

School zip code


Requested competency code

Lab Science

Date submitted



Approved competency code

  • CTE
  • Career and technical education

Approved date

Online / Virtual
