Course title
Intro to Business and Intermediate BusinessCourse description
This course prepares students for engaging in business communications,writin greal-world business documents, and developing business related projects with supporting business documentation.The course will emphasize the following: (A) Analysis of the organization, style, and format for both technical and non-technical reports, (B) The production of formal and informal reports demonstrating business and technical writing strategies directly related to the students’ fields of professional and/or educational interests.This course fulfills the UC/CSU “B” English requirement.This course may also be used to fulfillthe 11thgrade English requirement.
School country
United StatesSchool state
CaliforniaSchool city
Mountain HouseHigh school
Mountain House High SchoolSchool / district Address
1090 S Central PkwySchool zip code
95391Requested competency code
CTE EnglishDate submitted
YesApproved competency code
- 4 years of English