Course title

S 621


Full year of Biology and Full Year of Chemistry

Course description

"If you want to fix something; it makes sense to find out how it works in the first place." In the context of parasitology; this translates into finding out how disease-causing organisms enjoy living; and then using that information to reduce their impact on humans. This approach is often used in disease control; by public health specialists; "bug sleuths" in exotic settings; aid workers in development programs; and many other professions. The course will cover some of the major disease-causing organisms; from the perspective of the parasite and that of the host. Using readings; class discussions; and lab sessions; we will look at the amazing strategies; used by parasites to locate and infect their hosts; and how hosts respond to rid themselves of these unwelcome guests. How important are cultural factors; such as traditional beliefs and practices; in overcoming parasitic diseases? Is globalization likely to reduce these types of illnesses? Students will make friends with a number of parasites and will also research and present a parasitic disease. There will be a cumulative final exam with laboratory and lecture questions.

School country

United States

School state


School city


High school

William Penn Charter School

School / district Address

3000 West School House Lane

School zip code


Date submitted



Approved competency code

  • LADV
  • Advanced science
  • LBIO
  • Biology

Approved date

Deferred Reason

Please submit lab syllabus and an example of a typical lab

Online / Virtual
