Course title

CT 31A/B


Digital Photography I

Course description

This class is designed to provide students with an advanced working knowledge of traditional and digital photographic techniques; theory; and history. Students will combine compositional techniques and manual controls of a digital camera to their individual creative works through the exploration of various fields and movements within photography. They will also gain and demonstrate knowledge of how to constructively critique their own work; as well as that of their peers. Students will apply digital manipulation techniques (Adobe Photoshop) as it applies to photo editing through a variety of situations; including advertising; abstract and portrait photography. Additionally; they will begin to develop their own sense of style while learning how to display and archive their work; as well as how to create a personal and professional portfolio accompanied by their own artist statements.

School country

United States

School state


School city


School / district Address

400 W. Elm

School zip code


Requested competency code

Fine Arts

Date submitted



Approved competency code

  • CTE
  • Career and technical education
  • FIAR
  • 1 year of Fine Art

Approved date

Online / Virtual
