Course title
AIM screening and selection process and/or instructor’s approvalCourse description
This is an accelerated and in-depth science course. Using technology; students will experiment; analyze; and evaluate major concepts related to chemistry. The history; nature of science; personal and social perspectives of science will be explored. Students will be actively involved with the process of inquiry.
Duration of Study: One semester 90 minutes/day. Approximately 40% of class time is dedicated to laboratory activities including student inquiry labs.
Course Outcomes:
•Design and conduct a scientific investigation.
•Analyze and communicate the findings of scientific investigations related to chemistry.
•Apply knowledge of principles of chemistry to analyze problems and make decisions which impact themselves; society and the environment.
•Utilize technology and inquiry to increase understanding of chemical concepts and issues.
Students will participate in a minimum of 11 scientific inquiries requiring formal laboratory write-ups (question/ problem; hypothesis/prediction; data analysis; and conclusion). Additionally students will experience numerous activities including hands –on activities; paper simulations; and virtual labs. 16% of the course grade is determined by a performance assessment in which students design; conduct and communicate findings of a scientific inquiry.
Units with major topics and possible labs
1.Introduction to Chemistry – Lab Safety ; Inquiry Process – questioning; predicting; data analysis; conclusions; extension questions; measurement; significant figures; density; chemical & physical changes; phase changes; classification of matter; chemical names; formulas
Possible labs: various introductory labs; Density Lab; Concentration Lab
2.Kinetic Theory – Kinetic Theory; states of matter; gas laws;
Possible labs: Various Gas Laws Labs; phase changes
3.Atomic Theory – basic structure; electron configuration; periodicity; chemical reactivity
Possible Labs: Activity Series of Metals Lab; Relative Mass Lab
4.Nuclear Chemistry – nuclear processes; half-life; types of radioactive decay
Possible Labs/Activities: Half Life of an M&M Lab; Radioactivity Around Us
5.Bonding – ionic vs. covalent bonding; polyatomic; metallic; nomenclature
Possible Labs: Ionic versus Covalent Compounds Lab
Icy-Hot Lab
6.Molecular Forces – polarity; intermolecular forces; molecular geometry
Possible Labs: Polarity Lab; Molecular Modeling Lab
7.Reaction Types – synthesis; decomposition; substitution (single/double displacement); combustion
Possible Labs: Reaction Types Lab; Precipitate Formation Lab
8.Mole Concept – molar conversions; percent composition; empirical formulas; molecular formulas
Possible Labs: Hydrate Determination Lab; Proving Molar Volume
9.Stoichiometry – conversions; limiting vs. excess reactants; percent yield
Possible Labs: Limiting/Excess Lab; Single Displacement Mole Ratio Lab
10.Solutions - acids & bases; saturation; phase change
Possible Labs: Acid/Base Titrations; Dilution Lab
Sample Inquiry Activity:
Arizona is the leading producer of copper in the United States. It is responsible for approximately 65% of the total U.S. copper mine production. During the height of mining; the mine in Jerome was able to produce 3 million pounds of copper each month! This illustrates that a large amount of copper has already been mined from the ground. Like gold; copper is becoming harder and harder to find in the ground. Today; copper is still present in the ground; but we are finding large amounts of it bonded to other elements.
You work for a company that is trying to recover copper without having to mine it from undisturbed ground. Your boss says that it is more cost effective to react a copper compound with another element and displace the copper. You are given samples of copper (II) sulfate crystal commonly found at old mines. You are told to react the Copper (II) sulfate with iron to remove the copper.
Determine if the amount of insoluble product produced by a chemical reaction depends upon a variable of your choice.
Determine the ratio of moles of the reactant to moles of the product in this chemical reaction.
Relate experimental ratio to the actual mole ratio from the balanced chemical equation from this reaction.
You will be investigating a chemical change. Each lab group will be provided with 5 grams of the solid reactant (Fe) and 200 mL of the heated ionic compound already dissolved in water (CuSO4). One of the products from the reaction between the two reactants will be insoluble and form a precipitate at the bottom of the beaker.
Your goal is to do an investigation to determine if the amount of insoluble product produced by the reaction varies under different conditions.
On DAY 1 you will have to prepare your question; hypothesis; list of materials; procedures and prediction. You may use any resource except students outside your group. Notes; previous labs; books; etc are allowed. Problem/Question: student generated
Hypothesis: student generated alternate hypotheses
Materials: student generated except for Iron fillings (Fe2+) and Copper (II) sulfate (CuSO4) which is provided by the teacher.
Procedures: Student generated procedures must address safety and multiple trials. When developing your procedures; please note - THE LARGEST SAMPLE SIZE SHOULD BE NO MORE THAN ONE GRAM.
Data Analysis: Create a graph that appropriately represents the experimental results.
Error Analysis: -Relate the experimental mole ratios to the actual mole ratio from the balanced chemical equation from this reaction and discuss the sources of error.
Conclusion: Write a conclusion indicating the experimental hypothesis; results; and explaining the significance of the results.
Analysis Questions:
1.What are the independent and dependent variables tested in this inquiry?
2.Explain why you chose to test this variable.
3.Explain what you did in this experiment to insure reliability of the results.
4.Do you think this is a feasible method for removing copper from copper compounds on a large commercial scale. Explain.
School country
United StatesSchool state
ArizonaSchool city
GlendaleSchool / district Address
6330 W. Thunderbird RdSchool zip code
85306Date submitted
YesApproved competency code
- Chemistry