Course title




Course description

This course is designed to cover a basic survey of music history through the lens of music as an expression of popular culture. We will discuss what popular culture; as well as what music is. How does music function in any “popular” culture (meaning how does music function as an instrument reflecting the culture in which it occurs.) No judgments will be passed on any time or culture . . . only how music functions as a reflection of what historical and cultural documents provide. Students will learn the place that music holds in any culture as well as historical performance practices and forms. Students will be able to draw parallels between “classical” and contemporary music as appropriate.

Works studied include:
Leonin/Perotin Organum
Josquin: El Grillo
Josquin: Deploration de la Morte de Johannes Ockeghem
Byrd: As Vesta Was
Monteverdi: L'Orfeo
Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No. 5
Bach: Toccata and Fugue in D minor
Bach: Johannes Passion
Handel: Messiah
Handel: Julius Caesar
Haydn: Symphony 56
Haydn: Symphony 104
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Mozart: Symphony 40 in G minor
Beethoven: Piano Sonata No 21 "Waldstein"
Beethoven: Symphony No. 3
Beethoven: Symphony No. 9
Wagner: Tristan und Isolde
Bruckner: Christus Factus Est
Schoenberg: Pierrot Lunaire
Berg: Wozzeck
Ives: They Are There
John Cage: Sonatas for Prepared Piano
Count Basie: Jumpin' at the Woodside
Sing Sing Sing: Benny Goodman
Miles Davis: So What
Dave Brubeck: Take Five
A brief survey of Rock Music from the 50s to the 90s

Musical Form is discussed in great detail (Sonata form; Fugue; da Capo; etc.) and basic music theory is discussed in brief.

School country

United States

School state


School city


School / district Address

13033 S Estrella Parkway

School zip code


Date submitted



Approved competency code

  • FIAR
  • 1 year of Fine Art

Approved date

Online / Virtual
