Course title

AP Eng Lit/Comp Hon


Completion of Honors English 10 or AP English Language & Composition or Honors American Experience 11 with a grade of B or better or English 10, American Literature & Composition or British Literature & Composition with a grade of an A

Course description

The AP English Literature and Composition course engages students in the careful reading and critical analysis of imaginative literature. Through the close reading of selected texts; students deepen their understanding of the ways writers use language to provide both meaning and pleasure for their readers. As they read; students consider a work’s structure; style and themes; as well as such smaller-scale elements as the use of figurative language; imagery; symbolism and tone. The course includes intensive study of representative works from various genres and periods; concentrating on works of recognized literary merit. The writing required in an AP English Literature and Composition course is more than a mere adjunct to the study of literature. The writing that students produce in the course reinforces their reading. Since reading and writing stimulate and support one another; they are taught together in order to underscore both their common and their distinctive element. Writing is characterized by the following: a wide-ranging vocabulary used with denotative accuracy and connotative resourcefulness; a variety of sentence structures; including appropriate use of subordinate and coordinate constructions; a logical organization; enhanced by specific techniques of coherence such as repetition; transitions and emphasis; a balance of generalization with specific illustrative detail; and an effective use of rhetoric; including controlling tone; maintaining a consistent voice; and achieving emphasis through parallelism and antithesis. The course format will follow these objectives in the delivery of the content: 1. Discussion and writing are the hallmarks of Honors classes. Students will consistently use writing; both in class and out; as a means to express ideas and prepare for discussions. 2. The course is discussion-oriented rather than lecture. The instructor provides background to inform the discussion and guide the research; as students are given time in advance to read; research and prepare their responses in writing. 3. Students work to develop the ability to think about a broad range of ideas and come to understand how scholars and artists work by reading and responding to primary source material; by exploring issues and problems in depth rather than quickly and superficially; and by being carefully exposed to and guided through the methods of many disciplines. Students learn to see the broad implications of each issue; as well as learning to analyze and synthesize the material. 4. Students work to become more independent as critical thinkers; demonstrating the ability to use knowledge and logic when discussing an issue or an idea; while considering the consequences of their ideas; for themselves; for others; and for society. The classroom environment is open to many perspectives and points of view; where students are encouraged to take intellectual risks and feel safe doing so.

School country

United States

School state


School city


High school

Horizon Honors High

School / district Address

16233 S 48th Street

School zip code


Requested competency code


Date submitted



Approved competency code

  • ENGL
  • 4 years of English

Approved date

Online / Virtual
