Course title



Completion of Biology 1-2 and Algebra 1-2.

Course description

Students participating in this course will study the environment. Both the physical and living environments will be studied. Students will place themselves; local; regional; state; and national ecological issues and their importance to the greater sphere of the earth and its sustainability. Students will demonstrate understanding of key questions of ecology through individual and team efforts through art; writing; reading; technology; and research in the classroom and in the lab. Students will also relate ecological concepts to wildlife and environmental issues facing our state. This course is an excellent option for students interested in the pursuit of a college major related to environmental science.

Unit 1: Introduction to Wildlife Management
Lesson 1: Define Wildlife Management
1. Define wildlife management; as it relates to both terrestrial and aquatic species
2. Compare wildlife management to other natural resource disciplines
3. Define terms and explain concepts related to wildlife conservation and management

Lesson 2: Importance of Wildlife Management in US and AZ
1. Explain the importance of wildlife resources to US and AZ society and the environment
2. Explain the economic impact of wildlife; and its management; at the local; state; national levels
3. Explain the role of regulated sport hunting; fishing; and trapping in wildlife management

Lesson 3: History of Wildlife Management
1. Create a timeline of major historical events and trends in wildlife management philosophies and practices in the United States
2. Identify important people and their role in shaping modern wildlife management principles
3. Compare modern strategies and current attitudes of wildlife management to historic views

Lesson 4: Who is in charge of wildlife?
1. Define ownership of and jurisdiction over wildlife
2. Understand the political process regarding wildlife laws and regulations
3. List and describe the role of state and federal wildlife agencies in wildlife management
4. Compare and contrast the roles of private and governmental organizations involved in the conservation of wildlife resources
5. Identify key conflicts in regarding fish and wildlife management and discuss possible solutions.

Lesson 5: Career Opportunities in Wildlife Management
1. Describe some career opportunities in wildlife management
2. Explain the academic requirements for a career in wildlife management
3. List the major professional societies; and their role; as related to wildlife management
4. Describe the importance of being involved in a professional society

Unit 2: Wildlife Management Practices
Lesson 1: Habitat Management
1. Identify common practices to manipulate habitat characteristics in terrestrial ecosystems
2. Describe the relationship between forest management and habitat management
3. Describe the difference between wild fire and prescribed fire the historical role that fire played in North American ecosystems
4. Describe the role of prescribed fire in habitat management
5. Identify common practices to manipulate habitat characteristics in aquatic ecosystems
6. Describe the effects of each practice on game and non-game species
7. Conduct a field survey to evaluate the effectiveness of prescribed management practices
8. Describe the application of supplemental planting for habitat improvement

Lesson 2: Pollution and its Effects on Wildlife and Their Habitats
1. Describe pollution and types of pollutants
2. Distinguish between point and non-point pollution
3. Explain how pollutants affect wildlife
4. Identify pollution sources that endanger wildlife
5. Identify strategies for preventing pollution of wildlife habitat
6. Identify strategies for restoring polluted habitats

Lesson 3: Habitat Mapping
1. Demonstrate the use of a hand held compass and topographic map
2. Demonstrate ability to interpret habitat types from aerial photos
3. Explain the purpose of habitat mapping
4. Describe and demonstrate use of a GPS technology to collect spatial data
5. Explain the application of GIS technology to create a cover type map
6. Assess habitat characteristics from a cover type map
Lesson 4: Wildlife Management Plan
1. Identify management practices to improve habitat for selected species
2. Explain the components of a wildlife management plan
3. Create a wildlife management plan for a given area (terrestrial and aquatic) using appropriate practices for improving habitat characteristics and conditions
4. Schedule practices to optimize effectiveness

Unit 3: Identification of Wildlife and Fish Species
Lesson 1: Game and Non-Game Wildlife
1. Describe how animals are named and classified
2. Differentiate between game and non-game species
3. Define the terms: rare; threatened; endangered; and extinct
4. Define the different classifications of game species

Lesson 2: Mammals
1. Identify common large mammals
2. Define the habitat of each species
3. List major food sources for each species
4. Describe behavioral traits of each species
5. Learn to identify common species from field sign; skulls; and skins

Lesson 3: Pelt and Study Skin Preparation
1. Identify different wildlife pelts
2. Demonstrate correct procedures of removing the pelt from the animal
3. Explain the procedures of pelt preparation
4. Demonstrate the correct method to prepare a pelt as a museum study specimen (voucher specimen) including label and recording accurate data collection

Lesson 4: Birds
1. Identify common birds
2. Define the habitat of each species
3. List major food sources of each species
4. Describe behavioral traits of each species
5. Learn to identify common species from wings and study skins

Lesson 5: Reptiles & Amphibians
1. Identify common reptiles & amphibians
2. Define the habitat of each species
3. List major food sources of each species
4. Describe behavioral traits of each species

Lesson 6: Fish
1. Identify common freshwater fish
2. Define the habitat of each species
3. List major food sources of each species
4. Describe behavioral traits of each species

Lesson 7: Freshwater Invertebrates
1. Identify common freshwater invertebrates
2. Identify the importance of freshwater invertebrates as indicators of habitat quality
3. Define the habitat of key species
4. List major food sources of each species
5. Describe behavioral traits of each species

Lesson 8: Nonnative Invasive Species
1. Define nonnative invasive species (terrestrial and aquatic plants and animals)
2. Lean to identify common nonnative invasive species of plants and animals
3. Define the habitat of each species
4. List major food sources of each species
5. Describe behavioral traits of each species that contributes to their classification as a nuisance
6. Discuss prevention; non-lethal and lethal control methods for common nuisance wildlife species

Unit 4: Hunting; Fishing; and Trapping
Lesson 1: Hunting
1. Explain the role of hunting as a management tool
2. Summarize the role of harvest regulations in managing wildlife populations
3. Compare and contrast the official position of various groups and organizations on regulated hunting as a wildlife management tool
4. Discuss the role of hunting as a recreational pursuit and the economic impact of hunting
5. Discuss the role of the state wildlife agency to provide wildlife based recreational opportunities to the public (including hunting)

Lesson 2: Fishing
1. Explain the role of fishing (commercial and sport) as a management tool
2. Summarize the reasons for harvest regulations in managing fish population
3. Compare and contrast the official position of various groups and organization on regulated fishing as a management tool
4. Discuss the role of fishing as a recreational pursuit and the economic impact of hunting
5. Discuss the role of the state wildlife agency to provide wildlife based recreational opportunities to the public (including fishing)

Lesson 3: Trapping
1. Explain the role of trapping as a management tool
2. Summarize the role of trapping regulations in managing wildlife populations
3. Compare and contrast the official position of various groups and organizations on regulated trapping as a wildlife management tool
4. Identify and describe different trapping techniques and equipment
5. Demonstrate correct safety procedures when handling traps and captured animals
6. Describe the relationship between trapping as a recreational/commercial pursuit and animal damage control.
7. Discuss the role of the state wildlife agency to provide wildlife based recreational opportunities to the public (including trapping)

Lesson 4: Outdoor Safety
1. Explain the causes of hunting and firearm accidents
2. Contrast the accident rates for hunting and firearms with other outdoor recreational activities
3. Identify ways hunting and firearm accidents can be prevented
4. Complete the state of Georgia Hunter Education Course
5. Explain the causes of boating & water related accidents
6. Identify ways boating & water related accidents can be prevented
7. Complete the state of Georgia Boating Safety Course
8. Learn to identify poisonous plants
9. Learn to identify venomous snakes and insects and how to minimize the chances of being bitten
10. Learn the importance of the role that inclement weather can play in outdoor safety

Lesson 5: Conservation Ethics
1. List and explain the importance of hunter ethics
2. List and explain the importance of fishing ethics
3. List and explain the importance of ethics when viewing wildlife
4. Discuss laws and private property rights as they relate to hunting

Unit 5: Concepts of Wildlife Ecology
Lesson 1: Components and Functions of Ecosystems
1. Define the terms ‘ecology’ and ‘ecosystem’
2. List and describe different types of ecosystems in Georgia and the United States
3. List and describe the 5 different ecoregions in Georgia
4. Compare and contrast the components and functions of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems
5. Explain biodiversity as related to wildlife populations
6. Explain the concept of food chains and food webs

Lesson 2: Wildlife Habitats
1. Define habitat and describe its components
2. Describe the differences and similarities between aquatic and terrestrial habitats
3. Explain plant succession and its relationship to wildlife habitat
4. Define carrying capacity in biological; social; and economic terms and explain their significance to wildlife management
5. Describe concepts of edge; interspersion; and fragmentation

Lesson 3: Habitat needs and preferences for key species
1. What are habitat preferences
2. Critical needs in habitat for key species
Unit 6: Concepts of Wildlife Biology
Lesson 1: Physiology and Anatomy of Wildlife
1. Identify the distinguishing anatomical features of mammals; birds; fish; reptiles and amphibians
2. Describe the characteristics of a carnivore; omnivore; and herbivore; and give examples of each for both aquatic and terrestrial species
3. Compare and contrast the differences between ruminant and monogastric mammals;
4. Compare and contrast the differences between cold water and warm water fishes
5. Compare and contrast the differences between fresh water and salt water fishes

Lesson 2: Wildlife Behavior
1. Explain the concepts of home range and territoriality
2. Explain the concept and role of migration
3. Explain the concept and role of hibernation; estivation; and torpor
4. Describe the mating systems of wildlife
5. Describe the various type of communication used by wildlife
6. Describe the social systems of wildlife
7. Explain biological rhythms such as circannual; diurnal; nocturnal; and crepuscular

Lesson 3: Wildlife Nutrition
1. Explain and identify the essential nutrient needs of wildlife
2. Differentiate between fat; protein; carbohydrate; vitamins; and minerals
3. Explain how nutritional needs of wildlife are related to habitat

Lesson 4: Food and Feeding Strategies of Wildlife
1. Identify different food sources for wildlife
2. Describe feeding strategies for plant-eating animals; and list examples
3. Describe feeding strategies for carnivores; and list examples
4. Describe feeding strategies for omnivores; and list examples

Unit 7: Wildlife Damage Management
Lesson 1: Human and Wildlife Conflicts
1. List conflicts between wildlife populations and human activities
2. Define the wildland-urban interface and how it related to human wildlife conflicts
3. Describe methods used to resolve human/wildlife conflicts
4. Recommend appropriate resolutions to human/wildlife conflict using examples and case studies

Lesson 2: Wildlife Damage Management
1. Identify the roles of the private sector and governmental agencies responsible for wildlife damage management
2. Identify common damage caused by wildlife
3. Describe common methods used to prevent wildlife damage
4. Describe the role of Integrated Pest Management and how it related to resolving human-wildlife conflicts

Unit 8: Populations Dynamics
Lesson 1: Population Management
1. Define the concept of a population
2. Explain the importance of populations versus the importance of individuals in wildlife management
3. Explain the concepts of limiting factors and surplus
4. Explain the relationship between carrying capacity; limiting factors and wildlife populations
5. Distinguish between exponential and logistic population growth
6. Explain techniques used to estimate population abundance

Lesson 2: Biotic Potential
1. Define biotic potential; productivity; birth rate; and the death rate
2. Describe factors affecting birth rate and death rate
3. Explain calculation of birth and death rates for a population
4. Predict future population size using population parameters
5. Explain the principle of inversity
6. Explain the principles of compensatory and additive mortality

Lesson 3: Species Interactions
1. Describe the role of predation on populations
2. Explain the difference between predation; competition; mutualism; parasitism; and commensulism

Unit 9: Diseases and Parasites of Wildlife
Lesson 1: Diseases of Wildlife
1. Describe causative agents; clinical signs; and diagnosis of significant diseases found in wildlife
2. Discuss the effects of diseases on wildlife populations
3. Explain the impact of wildlife diseases on human health and domestic animals

Lesson 2: Parasites of Wildlife
1. Describe clinical signs and diagnosis of common parasites found in wildlife
2. Discuss the effects of parasites on wildlife populations
3. Explain the impact of wildlife parasites on human health and domestic animals

School country

United States

School state


School city

Lake Havasu City

High school

Lake Havasu High School

School / district Address

2675 Palo Verde Blvd. S.

School zip code


Requested competency code

Lab Science

Date submitted



Approved competency code

  • LINT
  • Integrated science

Approved date

Online / Virtual
