Course title

1429 & 1430


Successful completion of 8th grade. Student Placement: Students who are taking grade level or remedial math and grade level or remedial English should be enrolled in this course. Students who are taking honors grade level math or honor

Course description

Course Description:
Students in Integrated Science will utilize an inquiry and literacy approach to focusing on the skills of planning and conducting investigations; analyzing and interpreting data; and obtaining; evaluating; and communicating scientific information. This year long course will allow students to read scientific texts; conduct numerous hands-on data collection opportunities; use mathematical practices; and communicate their scientific knowledge through writing and speaking. The Integrated Science course focuses on the science content topics of the Scientific Process; Science and Society; Astronomy; Earth’s Processes; Weather and Climate; and Physics. The Integrated Science course is aligned with the Arizona Science Standards as well as the Framework for K-12 Science Education. The Integrated Science course is approved as a laboratory science credit for university admission.

State Standards Addressed:
Scientific Process Unit
S1C1PO1 Evaluate scientific information for relevance to a given problem.
S1C1PO2 Develop questions from observations that transition into testable hypotheses.
S1C1PO3 Formulate a testable hypothesis.
S1C1PO4 Predict the outcome of an investigation based on prior evidence; probability; and/or modeling.
S1C2PO2 Identify the resources needed to conduct an investigation.
S1C2PO3 Design an appropriate protocol for testing a hypothesis.
S1C2PO4 Conduct a scientific investigation that is based on a research design.
S1C2PO5 Record observations; notes; sketches; questions; and ideas using tools such as journals; charts; graphs; and computers.
S1C3PO1 Interpret data that show a variety of possible relationships between variables.
S1C3PO2 Evaluate whether investigational data support or do not support the proposed hypothesis.
S1C3PO3 Critique reports of scientific studies.
S1C3PO4 Evaluate the design of an investigation to identify possible sources of procedural error.
S1C3PO6 Use descriptive statistics to analyze data.
S1C3PO7 Propose further investigations based on the findings of a conducted investigation.
S1C4PO1 For a specific investigation; choose an appropriate method for communicating the results.
S1C4PO2 Produce graphs that communicate data.
S1C4PO3 Communicate results clearly and logically.
S1C4PO4 Support conclusions with logical scientific arguments.

Science and Society Unit
S1C2PO1 Demonstrate safe and ethical procedures and behavior in all science inquiry.
S2C1PO1 Describe how human curiosity and needs have influenced science; impacting the quality of life worldwide.
S2C1PO2 Describe how diverse people and/or cultures; past and present; have made important contributions to scientific innovations.
S2C1PO3 Analyze how specific changes in science have affected society.
S2C1PO4 Analyze how specific cultural and/or societal issues promote or hinder scientific advancements.
S2C2PO1 Specify the requirements of a valid; scientific explanation (theory).
S2C2PO2 Explain the process by which accepted ideas are challenged or extended by scientific innovation.
S2C2PO3 Distinguish between pure and applied science.
S2C2PO4 Describe how scientists continue to investigate and critically analyze aspects of theories.
S3C2PO1 Analyze the costs; benefits; and risks of various ways of dealing with needs or problems.
S3C2PO2 Recognize the importance of basing arguments on a thorough understanding of the core concepts and principles of science and technology.
S3C2PO3 Support a position on a science or technology issue.

Astronomy Unit
S6C3PO1 Describe the scientific theory of the origin of the solar system.
S6C3PO2 Describe the characteristics; location; and motions of the various kinds of objects in our solar system; including the Sun; planets; satellites; comets; meteors; and asteroids.
S6C3PO3 Explain the phases of the Moon; eclipses (lunar and solar); and the interaction of the Sun; Moon; and Earth.
S6C4PO1 Describe the Big Bang Theory as an explanation for the origin of the universe.
S6C4PO2 Describe the fusion process that takes place in stars.
S6C4PO3 Analyze the evolution of various types of stars using the Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagram.
S6C4PO4 Compare the evolution (life cycles) of stars of different masses (low and high mass).
S6C4PO5 Explain the formation of the light elements in stars and the heavier elements (what astronomers call “metals”) in supernova explosions.
S6C4PO6 Explain the evolution and life cycles of galaxies.

Course Outline:
1. Scientific Process Unit
a. Design and conduct appropriate experiments for testing hypotheses
i. Develop questions
ii. Formulate hypothesis
iii. Identify variables
iv. Record observations and collect data
b. Communication of experimental results
i. Use descriptive statistics to analyze data
ii. Produce graphs to communicate data
iii. Interpret data to show relationships
iv. Evaluate whether results support hypothesis
v. Evaluate the design of the experiment
2. Science and Society Unit
a. Explain how scientists develop and refine theories
i. Requirements of a valid theory
ii. Process by which ideas are challenged; refined; accepted
b. Explain how science and society interact
i. Analyze how science affects society
ii. Analyze how society effects science
iii. Follows safe and ethical procedures
3. Astronomy Unit
a. Explain the life cycle of stars; our solar system; and the universe
i. Big Bang Theory
ii. Evolution and life cycle of stars of different masses
iii. Evolution of our solar system

Course Assessment:
Students will demonstrate their content knowledge and college and career ready skills through a performance based writing assessment. The model will consist of a two-day performance based assessment (PBA) in which students will write an explanatory piece relating an informational text and hands-on data collection component (performed and provided throughout instruction). This assessment will require students to read; write; perform science techniques; use academic and content vocabulary; and think critically.

Laboratory Expectations:
Students will participate in a minimum of six hands-on data collection opportunities during this course. [Average of one laboratory experience every three weeks] Students will be expected to design appropriate investigations; conduct those investigations; collect and analyze the data; and communicate the results of the investigation.

Literacy Expectations:
Students will participate in a minimum of six informational text analyses during this course. [Average of one informational text analysis every three weeks] Students will be expected to close read; annotate; analyze; and evaluate an informational text in order to respond to text-based questions. Students will additionally be expected to use these informational texts as evidence for their scientific claims.

Sample Laboratory Experiment:

Pendulum Data Collection

The pendulum has been used by clock-makers for hundreds of years. The rhythmic and predictable swing of the pendulum can be used to keep time very accurately. Pendulums can range in size from just a few centimeters long to three story pendulums used in universities. It can be assumed that as a pendulum swings from one side to the other; that a constant amount of energy is being converted back and forth between potential and kinetic. The one sticking point with a pendulum that will cause it to slow down the most is friction at the point the pendulum arm connects the pieces holding the pendulum up. The more that friction can be reduced; the more accurate a pendulum will be.
Your goal is to become more familiar with some of the other factors that can affect a pendulums swing in regards to the amount of energy that is transferred between kinetic and potential energy. You can use the time of swing (amount of time it takes to swing from one side to the other and back again) as a representation of the energy being converted back and forth. This knowledge will help to better understand that Law of Conservation of Energy and its applications to the world around us.

• You are going to conduct three experiments using a pendulum. You must conduct these experiments in order. For each experiment; be sure to conduct 3 trials for each of the independent variable values.

Materials Needed:
• Ring Stand
• Iron Ring
• 30cm String
• 2 Paper Clips
• 5 washers
• Meter Stick
• Stop Watch

Experiment 1 – Mass
1. Construct a pendulum using the materials noted above similar to the one demonstrated by your teacher.
Note: Adjust iron ring height so that extended pendulum swings just above the table.
2. Using 1 washer at the end of the pendulum; lift the pendulum in its arc to 20cm.
3. Release the pendulum and using a stop watch; time how long it takes the pendulum to swing to the other side and back one time. Record this time in your data table.
4. Repeat this process two additional times.
5. Repeat steps 2 – 4 using 2 washers.
6. Repeat steps 2 – 4 using 3 washers.
7. Repeat steps 2 – 4 using 5 washers.
8. Find the average amount of time it takes for each of the different number of washers.
9. Construct a line graph of Average Time vs. # of Washers

Time to Swing versus Number of Washers
Number of Washers Time to Swing (s)
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average

Experiment 2 – Release Height
1. Construct a pendulum using the materials noted above similar to the one demonstrated by your teacher.
Note: Adjust iron ring height so that extended pendulum swings just above the table.
2. Using 2 washers at the end of the pendulum; lift the pendulum in its arc to 25cm.
3. Release the pendulum and using a stop watch; time how long it takes the pendulum to swing to the other side and back one time. Record this time in your data table.
4. Repeat this process two additional times.
5. Repeat steps 2 – 4 using a release height of 20cm.
6. Repeat steps 2 – 4 using a release height of 15cm.
7. Repeat steps 2 – 4 using a release height of 10cm.
8. Find the average amount of time it takes for each of the different release heights.
9. Construct a bar graph of Average Time vs. Release Height

Time to Swing versus Release Height
Release Height Time to Swing (s)
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average

Experiment 3 – Length of String
1. Construct a pendulum using the materials noted above similar to the one demonstrated by your teacher.
Note: Adjust iron ring height so that extended pendulum swings just above the table.
2. Using 2 washers at the end of the pendulum; lift the pendulum in its arc to 20cm.
3. Release the pendulum and using a stop watch; time how long it takes the pendulum to swing to the other side and back one time. Record this time in your data table.
4. Repeat this process two additional times.
5. Repeat steps 2 – 4 using a string that is approximately 25cm long. [The easiest way to shorten the string by 5cm is to remove the washers and tie 3 knots in the string and then put the washers back on.]
6. Repeat steps 2 – 4 using a string that is approximately 20cm long.
7. Repeat steps 2 – 4 using a string that is approximately 15cm long.
8. Find the average amount of time it takes for each of the different string lengths.
9. Construct a graph of Average Time vs. String Length

Time to Swing versus String Length
String Length Time to Swing (s)
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average

NOTE: This lab can be simulated using Phet:
Application Questions
1. What is the relationship between mass and time of swing? What evidence do you have to support that claim?

2. What is the relationship between release height and time of swing? What evidence do you have to support that claim?

3. What is the relationship between string height and time of swing? What evidence do you have to support that claim?

4. Which factor – mass; release height; or string length – had the greatest effect on the time of swing? What evidence do you have to support that claim?

5. Assuming that the longer the time of swing the more energy is being converted from kinetic to potential and back; which experimental set up created the conditions for the most energy transfer? the least energy transfer? What evidence do you have to support those claims?

6. Explain how the swing of the pendulum demonstrates the Law of Conservation of Energy.

7. This experiment is a fairly standard experiment.
a. Identify the different parts of the experiment design…
i. Independent Variable
ii. Dependent Variable
iii. Control Variable(s)
iv. Reliability
b. Explain why you choose each of the responses to ‘part a’…
i. Independent Variable
ii. Dependent Variable
iii. Control Variable(s)
iv. Reliability
c. What else would you choose to test within this experiment; and why?

School country

United States

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Requested competency code

Lab Science

Date submitted



Approved competency code

  • LINT
  • Integrated science

Approved date

Online / Virtual
