Course title



Late Renaissance and Early Modern History I and II

Course description

Modern History course (12th Grade) provides an overview of the structure and functions of the U.S. government and political institutions and examines constitutional principles; the concepts of rights and responsibilities; the role of political parties and interest groups; and the importance of civic participation in the democratic process. This course examines the structure and function of state and local governments while building upon prior knowledge of facts; cause and effect; and the logic of relationships between facts as students critically analyze historical text focusing on ideas rather than just facts. Utilizing the rhetoric-stage of the Classical Education Model; students will actively engage with the ideas of the past by evaluating; tracing their development; and comparing them to other philosophies and opinions using key documents essential to the structure and development of the time period while gaining a greater understanding of our own civilization; country; and place in time; stemming from what has come before us.

School country

United States

School state


School city


High school

NFL YET College Preparatory Academy

School / district Address

222 East Olympic Drive

School zip code


Requested competency code

Social Science

Date submitted



Approved competency code

  • SSCI
  • 1 year of other Social Science

Approved date

Online / Virtual
