Course title




Course description

Astronomy is an inquiry and physics-based laboratory course that focuses on the properties and dynamics of the universe. Concepts of motion; forces in nature energy; optics; radiation; and thermodynamics are applied to concepts in astronomy. First semester introduces students to the history and methods of observational astronomy and the study of the solar system. Second semester includes the study of the life cycle of stars; astrophysics; and cosmology. Students will make extensive use of internet sources and tools as well as in-class technology to learn how astronomers make and analyze their observations. A strong background in algebra and geometry is important; as mathematics will be a key tool to learning about physics through astronomy.

Astronomy is an inquiry and physics-based laboratory course that focuses on the properties and dynamics of the universe. Concepts of motion; forces of nature; energy; optics; radiation; and thermodynamics are applied to concepts in astronomy. First semester introduces students to the history and methods of observational astronomy and the study of the solar system. Second semester includes the study of the life cycle of stars; astrophysics; and cosmology. Students will make extensive use of Internet sources and tools as well as in-class technology to learn how astronomers make and analyze their observations. A strong background in algebra and geometry is important; as mathematics will be a key tool to learning about physics through astronomy. This course fulfills the CFSD third year science graduation requirement.

Grades will be weighted in 3 categories as follows:
Summative Assignments = 80% Final exam = 20%
Self Regulation = 0%

Letter grades are assigned using the following scale:
A=100%-90% B=89%-80% C=79%-70% F=69%-‚áì

There is no rounding or curving of grades; and there are no extra credit opportunities either.

Test re-takes: Tests (summative assessments) may be retaken once and are a replacement grade. Re-takes are done during the first academic assistance period after the original test grades are posted & all homework for that unit must be completed and turned in before the test re-take is allowed. You do NOT get to re-take a test if you receive a zero for cheating the first time.

If you are absent; it is the responsibility of YOU the student to make an appointment with me to find out what you have missed and to get help with the material if needed. I will NOT deal with your absence in between classes during the school day; do NOT ask! I highly recommend being in touch with me by e-mail while you are absent so that upon your return you may already be well on your way to being caught up.

In a third year science class I expect behavior and conduct to be excellent at all times. This class is designed for serious students who wish to grow and learn and I do not expect to waste valuable time dealing with discipline or behavior issues. Here are 5 tips that will ensure all students will be able to learn and succeed in my classroom.

• Respect the rights of every other person in the room at all times.
• Arrive on time and prepared to learn.
• Remain seated and quiet unless otherwise directed by the teacher.
• Cheating in any way or to the slightest degree will not be tolerated.

In order to succeed in astronomy you must be prepared each and every day. You should bring a pencil; pen; paper; clear plastic ruler; and a calculator to class every day. I do NOT loan or give out materials to students who do not have theirs with them.

Each unit includes several homework assignments; at least one test; and one or more lab activities. Daily class activities may include: lecture & note taking; solving of math problems; demonstrations; testing; lab work; or group work. There will be a written final exam at the end of each semester.

• Earth – Our Place In Space
o Scale of the universe / Measuring distances in the universe / Converting units / Orbital motions / The celestial sphere / Celestial coordinates / Constellations / Telescope operations

• The Earth & Moon
o Features of the Earth / Gravity / Escape velocity / Lunar motions / Lunar features / Phases of the moon / Manned exploration of the moon

• The Solar System
o The inner planets / The outer planets / Asteroids & comets / Solar system formation / Kepler’s Laws

• Light & Optics
o Waves & wave properties / EM spectrum / Radiation / Spectroscopy Lenses & mirrors / Telescopes

• The Sun & The Stars
o Proerties of stars / Our Sun / Star formation / Stellar evolution / Star death / Black holes

• Galaxies & Cosmology
o Galaxies / Hubble’s Law / Cosmology

• “Mars Student Imaging Project”
o Question mars mini-labs / Research question development / Research Report preparation / Report submission / Project presentations

I am available through the following pathways. E-mail is by far the best way to get a hold of me.

School Phone #: 520-209-8300 (Ext. 8359) E-mail:

Mail: Attn. M. Winters
Catalina Foothills High School
4300 E. Sunrise Drive
Tucson AZ; 85718

School country

United States

School state


School city


School / district Address

4300 E Sunrise Drive

School zip code


Requested competency code

Lab Science

Date submitted



Approved competency code

  • LPHY
  • Physics

Approved date

Online / Virtual
