Course title



Drawing and Painting I

Course description

Drawing and Painting II will provide students; who have completed Fundamentals of Art and Drawing and Painting I; the opportunity to continue to develop their talent and or interest in visual art. By adding an additional level to Drawing and Painting; students who are not prepared for the rigor of Advanced Placement Studio Art can continue to develop their skill set in Drawing and Painting II. Drawing and Painting II will be assessed at an advanced level similar to Advanced Placement. Students who complete Drawing and Painting II will further develop their portfolio and be prepared for Advanced Placement. Fee required. Prerequisite: Drawing and Painting I

School country

United States

School state


School city


School / district Address

1481 N. Eliseo Felix Jr. Way

School zip code


Requested competency code

Fine Arts

Date submitted



Approved competency code

  • FIAR
  • 1 year of Fine Art

Approved date

Online / Virtual
