Course title



AmericaN/Arizona History

Course description

The purpose of this course is to provide students who have not passed AmericaN/Arizona Government an opportunity to recover the course credit. They may take one or both semesters of this course. Responsible citizenship; including civil and political participation is essential to maintain a representative government that truly represents the people of the United States. In this course; students learn about the structure of government and how it shares power at the local; state and federal levels. This course also explores founding principles that inspired the Constitution and Bill of Rights; preserving the freedoms that students experience daily. Students will examine the processes of each branch of government; the election process; and how citizens can impact public policy. The media; interest groups and influential citizens provide examples of how the government can be effected by informed and active participants. Students will examine the U.S. Court system; and become a part of the process by participating in the judicial decision making process. They will also discover ways the United States interacts with countries around the world; through domestic policy; foreign policy and human rights policy.

School country

United States

School state


School city


High school

Gilbert Global Academy

School / district Address

500 S. McQueen Road

School zip code


Requested competency code

Social Science

Date submitted



Approved competency code

  • AMHS
  • 1 year of US History
  • SSCI
  • 1 year of other Social Science

Approved date

Online / Virtual
