Course title

CompuPower: Technology and Leadership



Course description

CompuPower: Technology and Leadership is a course that uses technology as a vehicle to foster student leadership through the investigation and promotion of students’ assets. Students will engage with a wide variety of technologies; which will enhance their academic; career; and technological capabilities; in order to promote positive social change within their community. Each quarter will focus on an essential question that students answer through tools such as: online photo/audio/video capture and editing; web design; graphic design; cloud-based document management; project planning and productivity; communication and collaboration; research and digital literacy; and basic coding. Each quarter students will apply the technology skills and leadership concepts they have learned to a project. Students will create a digital notebook to track their ideas; develop plans; reflect on their learning; and collaborate. Reflection in this notebook will be woven throughout the curriculum. Assignments align with the Arizona Educational Technology standards and the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) standards. Students will use the Internet on an almost daily basis.

School country

United States

School state


School city


High school

South Mountain High School

School / district Address

5401 South 7th Street

School zip code


Requested competency code


Date submitted



Approved competency code

  • CTE
  • Career and technical education

Approved date

Online / Virtual
