Course title

American Film


English 3

Course description

Course Description:1411 AMERICAN FILM Grade 12 / 1 Semester / .50 Credit Goals and Objectives: To view and discuss selected films of the American film industry; to sharpen the students? critical abilities through careful analysis of plot; character; cinematography; sound; costuming; and other aspects of film-making; to write about and critique film in a coherent and intelligent manner. Content and Methods: This course examines films from several American genres and includes such films as Psycho; Do the Right Thing; Unforgiven; The Maltese Falcon; and The Godfather. In some cases; students will be required to watch all or part of the films outside class time. In addition to viewing these films; students will be required to read outside texts and critical material. Although some lecture will be given; most of the class will be dedicated to student discussion. Evaluation and Grading: Quizzes; in-class writing; two major projects; and quarter exams.

School country

United States

School state


School city


High school

Saint Xavier High School

School / district Address

600 W North Bend Rd

School zip code


Requested competency code


Date submitted



Denied date

Denied reason

Per ABOR Requestments: "English must include literature and have a substantial emphasis on grammar and composition. Courses such as journalism; business communications; and speech; for example may improve a student?s ability in English; but they are not devoted exclusively to the study of English and may not be substituted for a regular English course."

Online / Virtual
