Submit course

Arizona’s three public universities review high school courses from Arizona and out-of-state schools to determine their equivalencies to competency requirements for university admission.

Standard courses do not require approval. If your course is not on this list, please submit it for review. You may submit up to seven courses within a two-week period. If you need to submit more than seven courses within a two-week period, please email Please allow two to four weeks for the course to be evaluated.

Contact information
(Please enter your working title at school or educational organization. If you do not work at an educational location but instead are student/parent applying for admission, please enter STUDENT or PARENT as title).
The course title should include how this course is listed on a transcript and the descriptive name of the course if that name is not used on the transcript. Example enter: Composition I or ENG 459 - Composition I. If the course is a science course that is taken online, please also include the word “VIRTUAL” in the course title as well.
Please enter pre-requisites that apply to this course. If no pre-requisites are applicable, please enter "None"
The course description is used to review course content. Course descriptions should provide a through list of what is covered in the course. For science courses, please include how many hours per week students participate in wetlabs and a list of wetlabs completed for the course.
Maximum 4 files.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.
School information
Please enter your District information
US district hs group
Please select all high schools from your district from the dropdown menu where this course can be taken. If some high schools are not listed, please select "Not Listed" option for those specific high schools and add the high schools that are NOT in the dropdown list that are applicable to this course.
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