Course title

Animal Behavior


Evo/Eco Biology

Course description

This single mod course is designed to introduce students to the major topics in animal behavior, or ethology, from a sociobiological point of view. It familiarizes students with some general non-human behaviors such as territoriality, breeding behaviors, animal societies, and other predictable ways that animals interact with each other. Students study numerous species through videos or direct observation. When possible, students study animals living on campus. Students are expected to read articles and segments from textbooks dealing with social behaviors. There is a major research project studying a specific species that students must complete and present in order to pass the course.

School country

United States

School state


School city


High school

George School

School / district Address

1690 Newtown Langhorne Rd

School zip code


Requested competency code

Lab Science

Date submitted

Expected grade level


Online / Virtual
