Course title

Basic English Language Arts EL



Course description

Basic English Language Arts EL is designed to deliver targeted support to freshmen high school students who need foundational skills in both reading and writing with an emphasis on composition and grammar. This course introduces and uses a wide range of texts from a variety of genres to teach and improve critical reading skills. This course also improves academic vocabulary and discourse. Basic English Language Arts EL uses high leverage standards to support success on Arizona state assessments and end-of-course exams within the scope and sequence and has an emphasis on foundational composition in expository and argumentative writing.†

School country

United States

School state


School city


School / district Address

7650 N. 43rd Avenue, Glendale, AZ

School zip code


Requested competency code


Date submitted



Denied date

Denied reason

Per ABOR Requirement: "English must include literature and have a substantial emphasis on grammar and composition. Courses such as journalism; business communications; and speech; for example may improve a student?s ability in English; but they are not devoted exclusively to the study of English and may not be substituted for a regular English course."

Online / Virtual
