Course title
Biology 11 VIRTUALPre-requisite
Science 10Course description
Both Biology 11 and Biology 12 emphasize the Nature of Science themes: change, diversity, energy, equilibrium, matter, and systems. Biology 11 and Biology 12 refine students’ explanations of the nature of science and technology and the interaction between biology and technology. Students elaborate the impact of biology and associated technology on society and of the limitations of the biological sciences, science in general, and technology in solving societal problems. Laboratory work is integral to all science programs.
Unit 1: Matter and Energy for Life
Cells are introduced as the basic units of life. This unit investigates the role of cell structures in systems as well as matter exchange and energy flow. Students deepen their understanding of the relationship of all life on earth and the impact of carbon in the atmosphere.
Matter and Energy for Life (30%) THE CELL explain how cell theory has developed over time, referencing evidence, theories, and paradigms. perform experiments using specimens and microscopes and record the data collected.
INTERACTION OF CELL STRUCTURES using appropriate equipment, observe and describe cell organelles. compare and contrast different types of procaryotic and eucaryotic cells. describe how organelles manage various cell processes. do investigations of cell size and display collected data, including variables and conclusions.
PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND RESPIRATION design, perform, and report on experiments that investigate the basic and critical processes of photosynthesis and respiration. compare and contrast matter and energy transformations associated with the processes of photosynthesis and aerobic respiration.
Unit 2: Biodiversity
The vast diversity of living things necessitates an organized system for their classification and study. This unit provides a thorough investigation and overview of life’s unity and diversity within the environment.
Biodiversity (25%)
CLASSIFYING LIVING THINGS describe and apply classification systems and nomenclatures used in the biological science. use organisms found in local or regional ecosystems to demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental principles of taxonomyl analyze and describe examples where scientific knowledge evolved, was enhanced, or revised as a result of new laws, theories, and/or technologies.
DIVERSITY AMONG LIVING THINGS construct arguments to support a decision or judgment, using examples and evidence, recognizing various perspectives. describe the anatomy and physiology of a representative organism from each kingdom, including a representative virus. analyze and explain the life cycle of a representative organism from each kingdom, including a representative virus.
Unit 3: Maintaining Dynamic Equilibrium I
All living things struggle to maintain an internal balance in response to the constant pressure of external phenomena. This unit investigates the role of various systems and the influence of the environment and behaviour in the regulation of homeostasis.
Maintaining Dynamic Equilibrium I (35%) HOMEOSTATIS explain the importance of nutrition and fitness to the maintenance of homeostatis, debating the merits of funding specific scientific or technological endeavours and not others. explain, with specific examples, how behaviours such as tropisms, instinct, and learned, help to maintain homeostasis and identify multiple perspectives that influence a decision/issue.
BODY SYSTEMSBiology 11 requires that a minimum of two (2) of the following five body systems be investigated in detail—circulatory, respiratory, digestive, excretory, and immune systems. design and perform experiments, identifying specific variables, to investigate how body systems work based on scientific understandings. analyze and report how natural and technological systems have developed and improved over time, including organ transplants. explain how different plant and animal systems maintain homeostasis. identify and describe the role of chemicals, including elements, compounds, biochemicals, and water on the structure and function of various body systems. identify and predict the impact of viruses, diseases, and environmental factors on the homeostasis of an organism and propose alternate solutions.
Unit 4: Interactions among Living Things
This unit investigates biomes and their interactions as well as factors affecting population dynamics demands for resources.
Interactions among Living Things (10%)
BIOMES compare and interpret patterns of North America’s biomes with another continent in terms of climate, vegetation, physical geography, and location.
POPULATION DYNAMICS synthesize information from multiple sources to describe and explain factors that influence population growth and interactions within and between populations. propose courses of action on social, economic, and cultural issues related to Earth’s carrying capacity and demands on natural resources, referencing the energy pyramid.
School country
CanadaSchool / district Address
Brunswick Place 2021 Brunswick St., 4th Floor Halifax, NSSchool zip code
B3K 2Y5Requested competency code
Lab ScienceDate submitted
YesDeferred date
Deferred Reason
In order to be reviewed as a laboratory science, we will need a list of physical laboratory experiments completed for this course and number of hours students spend doing laboratory assignments each week.