Course title

ELA EL 1-2



Course description

his course is designed to deliver targeted support to basic and low intermediate high school ELL students who need improvement in both reading and writing, with a focus on composition and grammar. Using a variety of texts from different genres, students will improve their reading skills while being introduced to U.S. documents and American literature. This course aims to enhance academic vocabulary and discourse, with special emphasis on expository essay writing. It follows high-leverage standards to ensure success on Arizona state assessments and end-of-course exams, supporting students in building foundational skills for academic achievement. This course aligns with the Arizona ELP Standards and the Arizona College and Career Readiness ELA 1-2 Standards.

School country

United States

School state


School city


High school

Barry Goldwater High School Boulder Creek High School Deer Valley High School Mountain Ridge High School Sandra Day O'Connor High School

School / district Address

20402 N 15th Ave, Phoenix, AZ

School zip code


Requested competency code


Date submitted



Denied date

Denied reason

Per standard course approvals, Structured English Immersion or other remedial English courses are not approved toward ABOR English requirements. The information provided did not provide enough validation to deviate from that standard.

Expected grade level


Online / Virtual
