Course title
Environmental SciencePre-requisite
N/ACourse description
The course helps the students to learn about environmental science in the world today. Students will developan understanding of the scientific principles and processes that shape our environment; as well as the impactof human activities. Students will apply knowledge of a wide range of environmental issues in context;exploring topics such as natural resources; endangered species; pollution; and climate change. Uponcompletion of the course; students will be able to describe environmental science; apply principles of earthscience; ecology; and conservation; articulate impacts of development; agriculture; and waste onenvironment; and analyze environmental issues; policies; and solutions.
School country
United StatesSchool state
TennesseeSchool city
JacksonHigh school
Home Life AcademySchool / district Address
N/ASchool zip code
N/ARequested competency code
Lab ScienceDate submitted
YesDeferred date
Deferred Reason
In order to be reviewed as a laboratory science; we will need a list of physical laboratory experiments completed for this course and number of hours students spend doing laboratory assignments each week.