Course title

Financial Applications


Algebra II or Intermediate Algebra

Course description

This course walks students through the information needed to make the best decisions with money. Advanced Algebra with Financial Applications is an advanced course incorporating real-world applications; collaboration; and calculations using technology. Students learn the formulas used to determine account balances; monthly payments; total costs; and more. They examine budgeting; spending; saving; investment; and retirement. Students explore mortgages and other debt structures and how to make good decisions about borrowing money. This knowledge will propel students into the future with a good foundation on how to handle finances.

School country

United States

School state


School city


High school

Gilbert Global Academy

School / district Address

500 S McQueen Road

School zip code


Requested competency code


Date submitted



Denied date

Denied reason

The course does not cover advanced math topics such as Calculus; Pre-calc; Trigonomotry and Statistics as outlined by ABOR policy.

Online / Virtual
