

Course description

BIOLOGY PC2000 Health and Society CIP:260101 Biology/BiologicalSciences; General. CL-L-U-CA-UDC: 3-0-6-3-3.5 Discipline: Sciences School: High School Academic Department: Sciences High School Programs: 2 PBB14;2 PBI14;2 PTM14;2 PTI14 Prerequisites: ( PC1004) Equivalences: PC2006 Courseintention within thegeneral study plan context: Basic naturalsciencecourse.Students need to havea notion of the bases of naturalscienceat intermediatelevel.Exit competenciesstrengthened or developed in thiscourse:Students will understand and appreciatescientific workasan instrument of progressand innovation; formulateappropriate;relevant questionsthat willenablethemto understand a phenomenon from diverseapproaches;reflect on theimportance of integral healthcareand assessat-risk habitsand behaviors personallyand socially.Learning outcome:Students willcreatea personal plan to improvetheir health and writereports on activitiesand practices; which can beincluded in their personal portfolio. Course objective: Students will reflect on theimportance of integral healthcareand assessat-risk habitsand behaviors; founded on scientific rationale; by understandingtheconcepts of health and knowledge;and valuingtheir bodies. Coursetopicsand subtopics: Specific learning objectives by topic: Suggested methodologiesand learningtechniques: Teachingand learningtecniques: Collaborativelearning Estimated timing per topic: Suggested evaluation policies: Suggested Bibliography: TEXT BOOKS: *SylviaS.Mader... [etal.].; Inquiry into life;13th ed.; New York; NY:McGraw Hill;2011; 9780071220385 * Audesirk;Teresa. ; Gerald Audesirk; BruceE. Byers.; Biology : life on Earth;9th ed.;San Francisco; Calif. ;MÈxico : Benjamin Cummings;2011; 0321561619;0321598474;9780321561619(Professionalcopy);9780321598479(Studentedition) *Starr; Cecie. ;Christine A.Evers;LisaStarr.; Biology : todayand tomorrow with physiology;4th Ed.; Belmont; CA : Brooks/Cole; CengageLearning;2013; 1133590551(ed. internacional);9781133590552(ed. internacional) Support material: Academic credentialsrequired to teach thecourse: (260101)Bachelorin Biology/BiologicalSciencesand (140501)Bachelorin Biomedical/MedicalEngineeringand (400501)Bachelorin Chemistryand (260101)Master Degreein Biology/BiologicalSciencesand (140501)Master Degreein Biomedical/Medical Engineeringand (400501)Master Degreein Chemistry CIP:260101;140501;40050

School country


High school

Tecnologico de Monterrey

School / district Address


School zip code


Requested competency code

Lab Science

Date submitted



Deferred date

Deferred Reason

In order to be reviewed as a laboratory science; we will need a list of physical laboratory experiments completed for this course and number of hours students spend doing laboratory assignments each week.

Online / Virtual
