Course title
Non-Traditional EnsemblesPre-requisite
N/ACourse description
This class teaches the fundamentals of playing an instrument in a nontraditional†ensemble. Please check with the instructor for the ensemble†instrumentation: examples are Handbell Choir; Ukeleles; African†Drumming; etc. No previous experience is necessary; and the school†will provide an instrument if necessary. Enrollment in the class obligates†students to participate in all scheduled activities of the ensemble. Extra†time outside of the regular school day is expected of all students for†rehearsals and performances throughout the year. Course may be†repeated for credit; but not grade replacement.
School country
United StatesSchool state
ArizonaSchool city
PhoenixSchool / district Address
N/ASchool zip code
N/ARequested competency code
Fine ArtsDate submitted
YesApproved competency code
- 1 year of Fine Art